Nerve compression syndrome is a painful condition that is caused by a squeezed or compacted nerve. There are several causes for this syndrome, and fortunately, treatments are available that can help lessen pain and restore your quality of life.
Nerve Compression Syndrome Causes and Types
This syndrome is more than likely caused by repetitive injuries that occur by performing repeated movements. For instance, carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by repeated use of a keyboard or mouse, which causes the median nerve to be compressed at the wrist. Other types of this syndrome are:
- Suprascapular nerve compression syndrome, which can cause shoulder pain
- Guyon’s canal syndrome, which affects the ulnar nerve and can cause loss of function in the hand
- Meralgia paresthetica, which can cause symptoms in the outer thigh
- Radial nerve compression syndrome can impede wrist, hand and finger mobility
The causes of nerve compression syndrome can include:
- Autoimmune disorders such as diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis
- Thyroid dysfunction
- High blood pressure
- Cysts
- Tumors
- Obesity
- Congenital defects
- Sprains, fractures or broken bones
All of these conditions can lead to decreased blood flow and swelling of the area around the nerve. These conditions can also damage the protective myelin sheath, and could even cause changes to the nerve itself.
Higher Risk
Women tend to be at higher risk for developing this type of syndrome, as well as adults aged 30 or older. If you have a job that requires repetitive movement, you are also at increased risk. Also, if you suffer from any of the conditions listed above, you are at higher risk.
Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
Symptoms of nerve compression syndrome include aches and pain, reduced mobility, redness and swelling, tingling or numbness and reduced flexibility. You can also experience difficulty performing certain movements. Your doctor will diagnose nerve compression syndrome through tests such as a nerve conduction test, an ultrasound or an MRI.
If you receive this diagnosis, there are some treatment options available to you. Physical therapy and lifestyle changes such as losing weight and exercising can help. Medications such as NSAIDs can help reduce swelling and pain, and certain braces can be fitted to alleviate pain by reducing pressure on the nerve. If your condition is deemed severe enough, surgery may be required.
Nerve pain can be debilitating, but there is hope. The team at Core Surgical can evaluate your symptoms and suggest treatments that can help you get on the road to recovery. Call to schedule a consultation today.
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Email: frontdesk@coresurgicalmd.com
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