Our Doctors
At Core Surgical, we have the knowledge, experience and tools to provide the safe and effective surgical procedures that the patient needs. While surgery may only be one in several steps a patient goes through for treatment, we can ensure that the surgery goes without any issues. Our team of specialists can provide the necessary treatment for a variety of health conditions.
Our mission is to use our expertise and knowledge to provide the highest level of surgical care possible. All of our surgeons are board certified with nearly 40 years of clinical experience and training. Our time collectively has special interests and areas of expertise such as hernia repair, splenectomy, appendectomy and all other surgical procedures. We are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you are in need of our services or have any questions, call us at 212-628-8771.

Dr. Mark P. ZolandM.D., F.A.C.S.
Dr. Mark Zoland received his bachelor’s degree from Columbia University, and his medicine degree from Cornell University Medical College in 1993. He has been Board Certified and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons since 2001. His areas of expertise include minimally invasive and laparoscopic surgery, laparoscopic and conventional hernia surgery, specialization in sports hernia surgery, and abdominal surgery. Dr. Zoland was trained in an exciting time for surgery, as it was a time where tried and true Classic Surgical Techniques were still taught, while the Minimally Invasive revolution had just begun. He therefore had the foundation of classic operative method, something which younger residents today do not get a chance to learn, while he was immersed in the wave of new technology and technique. Consequently, he is able to offer his patients many surgical options as he is not confined by his training.
“My philosophy as a surgeon and as a physician, in general, is to solve a problem. Patients come in to the office from all over, and they have usually seen a multitude of doctors from a multitude of specialties. They have been bounced around, in many cases, because their problem did not fit that particular doctor’s specialty, or it was not a quick and easy fix. I tell them that I am not a magician, that I cannot fix all issues, but that I will certainly give it my highest level of attention and thought. Groin pain is one of my specialties, and I view the area as a complex problem. Nonetheless, I have spent over a decade studying the area, and I do believe I have been able to help most people who walk through my door. Even if the medical condition does not fall under my area, I will spend time and effort getting my patients to the right person for the job. Unfortunately, medicine is changing so dramatically, both economically and politically, that it is hard for the patient to feel like they have an advocate. I see myself as their advocate, kind of like having a cousin in the business who is really attempting to guide you in the right direction to solve the problem. It may take more time and effort, but I sleep very well at night running my practice this way.”

Dr. Joseph C. IraciM.D., F.A.C.S
Dr. Joseph Iraci is a graduate and valedictorian of Fordham University and New York Medical College. After surgical residency training at Lenox Hill Hospital and fellowship training at The University of Pittsburgh Dr. Iraci began surgical practice in 1983. He is Board Certified in Surgery and Critical Care Medicine and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. His areas of special interest are minimally invasive abdominal and gastro intestinal surgery as well as hernia surgery.
While innovations in modern medicine have produced a large variety of important advances, managed care has not been one of them. Currently, the insurance companies have created a wedge between there subscribers (patients) and their providers (doctors). I have long felt that this not the best course for either the patients or the physicians. As such, I have continued to provide Surgical care in a traditional fashion giving each and every patient sufficient time for clear understanding of their proposed procedure well in advance of the surgical date. Post operatively, they are also given appointments of sufficient time to allow for thorough description of their procedure, and reasonable indication of what to expect in the future. This is all done while offering the latest surgical techniques of this modern age.
This philosophy allows me to have the flexibility to see current as well as new patients on short notice or as the need arises. My patients know that their care is my primary concern and that the best possible outcome is of paramount importance to me.