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Both men and women experience pelvic pain, which can become worse over time if left untreated. Many factors are involved in treating pelvic pain, as there are many reasons for experiencing this condition. With some causes of pelvic pain being very serious and others entirely routine and normal, it can be difficult to identify exactly why you are in pain and what to do about it. At Core Surgical, our pelvic specialists can accurately diagnose the source of pelvic pain. We offer innovative and effective pelvic pain treatment at our medical clinic in Midtown Manhattan.

Symptoms and Causes of Pelvic Pain

Both men and women may experience pelvic pain on occasion, but it may subside as quickly as it began. Pelvic pain is not a condition, but a symptom that can alert you to possible medical concerns. When pelvic pain is accompanied by painful urination, groin, hip or abdominal pain, constipation, bloating, pain during sex, fevers or bloody bowel movements, individuals should seek medical treatment.

The causes of pelvic pain can vary from reproductive issues to hernias and physical injuries. Some of the common pelvic pain causes include:

  • Nerve damage
  • Appendicitis
  • Sexually transmitted infection
  • Kidney infection
  • Hernia
  • Broken or damaged pelvis
  • Miscarriage
  • Ovarian disorders such as cysts
  • Endometriosis
  • Fibroids
  • Uterine or cervical cancer

Depending on the nature and origin of your pelvic pain, your doctor may suggest a variety of treatment options. Your specific treatment will be determined by the type of pelvic issue you are experiencing as well as your pain level. This can include medications, hormone therapy, lifestyle changes and surgery.

At Core Surgical, our pelvic specialists utilize advanced methods to accurately diagnose the cause of pelvic discomfort to create a customized pelvic pain treatment plan for patients. If you are suffering from pelvic pain, contact us at our medical clinic in NYC to schedule your appointment.

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